Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield

Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield

Birmingham City Council

A small development of nineteen plots situated on the northern outskirts of Sutton Coldfield. Originally part of a selection of extended gardens, we used the site of one of the properties for access, delivering a selection of 3 and 4 bedroomed homes.

Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield
Case Studies - Developments - Worcester Lane - Plots - 01
Case Studies - Developments - Worcester Lane - Owners - 02
Case Studies - Developments - Worcester Lane - Authority - 03
Case Studies - Developments - Worcester Lane - Exchanged
Case Studies - Developments - Worcester Lane - Planning
Case Studies - Developments - Worcester Lane - Granted
Case Studies - Developments - Worcester Lane - Exercised - 07
Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield - Image 1
Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield - Image 2
Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield - Image 3

Your land’s potential unlocked

The site had a chequered planning history with a previous proposal from the mid 2000’s dismissed at appeal following a Public Inquiry with large scale opposition from the local community. Rosconn started afresh and took a different approach.

By carefully considering the character of the area, a new vision was formed for a new scheme, with new access and lower density housing.

The site secured consent at planning committee at local level for both phase one (fifteen homes and phase two, an additional four homes) with nobody speaking against the scheme.

Construction started in mid-2014 and all nineteen 3 and 4 bedroom family homes were occupied by the end of 2015.

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Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield - Image 4
Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield - Image 5
Developments - Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield - Image 6
Get in touch...let's talk

Contact the Land Team
T: 01789 868211 E: land@rosconngroup.com

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