Stratford-on-Avon District Council
Hawthorn House is a high quality 4-bed detached family home constructed in between two existing properties fronting Node Hill in Studley.

Turn an under-utilised section of garden into a dream
family home
Colin & Carol Williams: “All concerns and wishes were dealt with without problems, we would highly recommend Rosconn and are very happy with the service they have given us.” A full planning application was swiftly submitted within 2 months following the exchange of the option agreement in June 2017. The planning officer granted planning permission under delegated powers just 7 weeks post submission of the planning application, which had the support from the Parish Council with no objections from the public. This led to the build team starting construction on site early in the new year, with the construction finished by the summer.
The exterior design of the dwelling was carefully considered to emulate the character of the surrounding area as well as to protect the amenity of the existing neighbouring properties. the interior of Hawthorn House has been designed with the needs of the modern family in mind, including an open plan kitchen/dining/family area, with separate lounge and reception rooms.

Get in touch...let's talk
Contact the Land Team
T: 01789 868211 E: [email protected]